Technical Support is available to all active Millennium Standard Software Support Agreement holders from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST, Monday thru Friday.


Technical Support

Technical Support is available to all active Millennium Standard Software Support Agreement holders from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST, Monday thru Friday. On-site technical support or technical support not covered within the scope of the agreement will be provided at an additional charge.

Current Version:

Millennium 10.12.180c

Technical Support:

602-445-6408 ext 152

Convergent EDM, Inc. regularly uses services such as ZOOM (, Microsoft Teams ( and TeamViewer ( remote meeting and access products which facilitate Internet based support, training and product presentations. These products enable CEDM engineers to respond to and to problem solve technical issues in a more time and cost effective manner for the client.

Call us now to find out if our products are right for you. 602-445-6408.